Lorry Must-Haves with Team KBIS

With lockdown easing and many training and competition venues now able to re-open, we are all itching it hit the road again, if we haven’t already! Insurance is just one of the many things that needs considering before you head out and about, but there are usually more things you wouldn’t leave the yard without. We caught up with our KBIS riders to see what their must-have lorry items are…

Will Fletcher –

A football or a basketball, there’s nothing better than a good game after you’ve finished jumping.

Charlotte Cundall –

  1. A pen-knife. I was travelling along a back road in my car once and came across a two-staller pulled over on the side of the road. There was clearly something not right as both passengers were at the back door. I stopped to try and help and found them with their ponys’ front foot and shoe stuck in the haynet. There was no way of getting it out so I went to the nearest house and banged on the door asking for a sharp knife (in hindsight I may have looked slightly odd asking for this!!!). Anyway, that way how we got the pony free. I swore from that day on both my car and lorry would have a folding pen knife in the driver’s door in case of emergency.
  2. A mini torch – seems a sensible thing to have! It lives with the pen-knife in the door.
  3. Obviously my KBIS breakdown cover – the lorry would not leave the yard without this in place!

Jesse Campbell –

    1. Champagne – it’s important to celebrate your successes.
    2. Spare pair of breeches – for when things don’t go to plan!

Jayne Ross –

We’ve a few! A spare bridle, lunge line & headcollar. Also a waterproof rug, equine & human first aid kit. Oh, and we can’t go anywhere without our lucky mascot!

Sasha Hargreaves –

I don’t go anywhere without my Activo-med massage rug & a good pair of scissors

Georgie Campbell –

  1. Baby wipes
  2. Towels
  3. Spare headcollar and lead rope

Lindsay Wilcox-Reid

My must-have lorry items are: water, bucket and sponge! This is for a few reasons; drinking water for the horse and also to make up a recovery mash for them as to be honest they often don’t actually drink the water when offered, but when take liquid in in the form of a wet mash after working. The other reason is that Fonz has a habit of pooing down his white-up-to-the-hocks back legs, which is highly irritating when I’ve spent an age getting them sparkly white for a competition only to end up an unflattering shade of green. The sponge, bucket and water come in very handy at this point!

Olli Fletcher –

As described by Will ‘I can tell you Olli’s – at least 15 pairs of shoes for a 4-day trip!’

KBIS are one of the largest independent horse insurance providers, offering all types of insurance for the equestrian. Make sure you are ready to hit the road again with our horsebox, trailer and breakdown insurance. KBIS also offer personal accident cover, insurance for equestrian businesses, such as yards, instructors, competition centres, and horse insurance including a wide variety of veterinary fee options. To discuss your insurance needs call us today on 0345 230 2323.