Freelance Rider insurance

KBIS’ Freelance Rider insurance provides comprehensive cover to ensure you have the protection you need in your day to day work.

The main cover benefits that can be included on a freelance rider policy are Care, Custody and Control, which covers injury to, or the death of, a horse in your care for which you are liable and Public Liability, which covers you against third party property damage or third party injury for which you are found liable.

Under these sections, the policy will cover you for all general riding activities, including competing horses on behalf of third parties, and cover whilst grooming.  It also offers you the flexibility to include other activities, with specific extensions to the cover available, such as teaching.

Our experienced team can explain the cover options available, helping to tailor a policy to your specific requirements.

In addition to our Freelance Rider insurance policy, you may also want to take a look at our standalone Personal Accident insurance.

Get a Freelance Rider insurance quote

Features & Documents

Freelance Rider Insurance – Summary & Premium Indication

A Freelance Competition Rider is someone who competes horses for third parties on a freelance basis. This includes Freelance Groom cover.

Limit of Liability 
Cover Level
Per Rider

This table shows an indication of the annual premium including Insurance Premium Tax and administration fees. These can be paid monthly by direct debit (further charges will apply).

Request a Quote – Freelance Rider

To obtain a freelance rider insurance quote you can complete a proposal form or contact us by phone.

Complete a Proposal Form

You can complete an online proposal form which will be submitted directly to our office and a quotation will be emailed to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, there is a PDF copy available for you to download and complete.

Contact Us

Call us on 0345 230 23 23 and select option 4.

View our office opening times.

Freelance Rider Insurance – Cover Available

Public Liability

Public liability covers you for any claims made against you in respect of third party property damage or third party injury. We offer a choice of limits from either £1,000,000, £2,000,000, or £5,000,000 with an excess of £500 (third party property damage only).

Care, Custody & Control

Also referred to as Custodial Liability, this section provides cover should a horse, in your care, sustain an injury or die as a result of your negligence.
Benefits are paid for veterinary fees or, in the event of the horse’s death, the current market value of the horse, up to the incident limit of £10,000 per horse, and £100,000 during the policy period and an excess of £500 for each and every loss.

Specific Extensions

We can offer specific extensions to cover depending on your individual requirements, for example, extend your Public Liability cover to include house sitting or clipping. We are also happy to approach our underwriters about any non-standard extensions to cover that you may need.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cover options available under liability policies are specific to each individual policy but the main areas include:

Public Liability
Covers against bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property
Employers Liability
Cover against bodily injury to people employed by you or your business
Custodial Liability (Care, Custody & Control)
Cover against death/accidental injury to horses/ponies under your care, custody or control.

The phrase ‘Limit of Indemnity’ is the insurer’s maximum liability in respect of any one event or series of events i.e. it is the total to which you are covered up to. In some cases you will be offered a choice of the limit of indemnity and in other instances the level of indemnity will be fixed.

When offered a choice, for example Public Liability cover up to £1,000,000, £2,000,000 or £5,000,000 the higher limit of indemnity will mean that you will pay a slightly higher premium. In the event of a claim you will have to provide evidence in order to substantiate the amount to be claimed.

Public Liability covers you against bodily injury to a third party or damage to a third parties property as a direct result of your negligence. Public Liability cover will normally be offered with a choice to the limit of indemnity. The scale of benefit will be outlined in the individual terms and conditions of the policy.

Public Liability cover, although not law, is essential for any business, event /show, club, instructor or trainer and is often a requirement when taking out Employers Liability.

Employers’ Liability provides cover for any bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by your employees as a result of the business’s negligence.

Employers’ Liability is a requirement by law under the Employers’ Liability Act 1969 and should be in place for anyone working on your behalf, whether full time, part time or in training.

When taking out employers’ liability it is often a requirement to also take out public liability cover.

You can find out more about employers laibility here –

Custodial Liability insurance provides cover against the death and/or accidental injury to horses/ponies that are in your care, custody and control, such as full time liveries or working liveries, in respect to a claim that is made against you by the owner.

A benefit will be paid for veterinary fees and/or the current market value, up to the limit of indemnity, in the event of an accident, sickness, disease or mortality of the horse.

Most policies will offer a choice in the limit of indemnity per horse but up to up to a maximum limit of indemnity in the policy period.

Yes our policies are designed, when possible, to offer you the flexibility to choose which areas you wish to take out and also provide extension of cover depending on your business requirements.

In some policies certain cover is automatically provided where as in others it is offered as an additional extension to the cover. For example care, custody and control is automatically included in a riding establishment policy where as on a livery yard policy it is offered as an extension to cover – a DIY livery yard who isn’t handling client’s horses would not necessarily wish to take out this level of cover. Where as a livery yard offering full livery and therefore dealing with clients horses on a daily basis, care, custody and control would be a sensible option to consider.

It is important when obtaining a quote to tell your insurer as much information as possible in order for them to gain a good understand of your business and insurance needs. Failure to specify certain information may lead to having inappropriate cover, may affect any claims against the policy or both.

When phoning up make sure you have the following information easily to hand:

  • Main Business Activity
  • Number of Staff
  • Number of Horses
  • Wageroll
  • Any other business activities
  • What insurance you currently have in place

KBIS, like all insurers, require that you comply with current Health and Safety guidelines as well as ensuring that you have appropriate risk assessments in place. Whilst we do not provide any risk management advice ourselves, the following two links may act as useful reference points and contain information on risk assessments and expected requirements, along with good practice advice for equestrian businesses:

Health & Safety Executive

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Horse Riding Establishments & Livery Yard Guidance

Liability claims are often a complex process and unlike in other claims procedures your insurance company will deal with the incident on your behalf. You will therefore need to forward any relevant documentation relating to the incident or solicitors letters onto you insurance company in order for them to defend your position in the event that you are not liable.

In some cases a loss adjuster may be appointed by the underwriters to establish the exact cause of the loss.


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